Are Your New Year Resolutions “Failing”?

Getting Healthy, Lifestyle 0 comments

If your New Year resolutions feel unattainable or if you feel like you’re failing, then I want to give you a little bit of encouragement. I hope you feel confident by the end of this post that you can achieve whatever goal you have set out to reach.

First, I am going to be honest with you: I am not a fan of New Year resolutions. Let me explain:

Statistically speaking, most New Year resolutions “fail”. It’s a sad truth, but I can see why it happens… New Year resolutions are usually broad goals that are postponed for the New Year, and that typically makes them feel overwhelming. Most of the time, postponing something makes it seem like a bigger obstacle, which mentally makes it harder to accomplish.

If you’ve fallen off track with your resolutions this year, then please don’t feel discouraged. Most people do. Just don’t let that be an excuse to give up on your goals entirely. Having goals is a wonderful thing and it is what pushes us forward to improve. In order to make sure your effort isn’t fleeting, you’ll want to reframe your mindset around achieving a goal:

  • Let go of the mindset of waiting for a New Year or a new week to start achieving your goals. Start today, no matter what day it is and no matter what time it is. Even if it’s the end of the day, commit 5 minutes toward getting a little bit closer to your goal. For example, if you are wanting to work out more often, then you can simply set out a workout outfit to put on the next day. Or do 5 minutes of stretching before going to bed.
  • Break your overall goal down into achievable steps to create small habits that add up over time. For example, if your overall goal is to eat healthier and exercise more, then replace one meal per day for a healthier option and exercise for 10 minutes, even if it’s simply going for a walk. Small goals feel achievable, so it’s more encouraging to follow through. After continually following through with the small steps, you’ll gain the strength and confidence to push yourself to improve even more.

So don’t get me wrong, I absolutely love having goals for the year, but I don’t like the mindset of waiting to achieve them. Start now, start small, and improve over time, constantly challenging your comfort zone.

If you want more tips and tricks for making your dreams a reality, then check out this post about The Key to Achieving Your Goals. If you haven’t read it yet, then I encourage you to do so. It’s a longer post, but I give all of my best tips and tricks for achieving your goals, whatever they may be!

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