Fullscript Supplements

I am proud to say that I help dozens of people with their supplement plan. As a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, I have access to hundreds of practitioner-grade supplement companies. I provide you with supplements suited to your needs and shipped straight to your door. You do not need to be a client to order supplements because I believe everyone has the right to take high-quality, effective supplements.

Not every supplement is created equal.

Taking low-quality supplements is like throwing your money out the door (because they don’t work well!), so I want to give you access to ones that will truly help you. These brands are what I’ve come to trust because I’ve personally seen benefits in my clients, friends, family, and myself. Over 85% of the people who have ordered from my dispensary continue to order regularly, because that’s how well they work. Even I have been ordering monthly for over 8 years now. There’s a lot to be said about being nourished with high-quality nutrients!

What’s the benefit for you?

  • You receive 15% off regular orders and 20% off all autoship orders.
  • You receive free shipping on orders over $50.
  • You have access to a dispensary of practitioner-grade supplement companies (hundreds of companies). This includes the highest quality supplements on the market. No more wasting money on low quality supplements!
  • You have access to almost the entire dispensary to search and purchase items. There are certain limitations for some supplements that are more therapeutic, where you are required to have a recommendation created by a practitioner (me), but most supplements are available at any time.
  • It’s easy to set up Autoship orders so your supplements are shipped to you before you run out (plus you get 20% off of Autoship!). You can cancel or postpone autoship orders easily.
  • The supplements are stored properly, shipped fast, and shipped straight to you. I personally don’t trust how most places store supplements (such as ones found on Amazon or in generic stores), so my Fullscript dispensary has high standards for production, storage, shipping, and customer service.
  • My dispensary includes a catalog that is easy to search, as well as a layout of my favorite supplements and supplement protocols.
  • You can email me about any questions you have. I would love to help you out! Email me at christine@homecookedliving.com.

How to shop my Fullscript dispensary:

  1. Click here or on the graphic below.
  2. Enter your email address. Since you don’t have an account, it’ll bring you to a page to create a password.
  3. You’re all set! You now have access to my dispensary that you can search and browse as you please.
  4. Add your supplement choices to the cart, set up Autoship if desired, and your discount will automatically apply (15% for regular orders and 20% for Autoship orders).
  5. Email me with any questions. I am always willing to help: christine@homecookedliving.com.
Order supplements through my Fullscript store.

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