Why Everyone Should Have Houseplants

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Do you ever crave “fresh air”? Where do you go for fresh air? I’m sure in most cases, it’s outside. The main reason for that is all the plants and trees. That’s why the air doesn’t feel as fresh in cities vs. rural areas… because there are less plants!

Houseplants are not only beautiful additions to your home decor, but they also have many health benefits.

Plants purify the air

Plants naturally absorb carbon dioxide during photosynthesis and release oxygen into the air. In addition to this, certain houseplants have also been shown to absorb and remove harmful toxins from the air, including benzene, formaldehyde, and xylene.

Benzene is a carcinogenic chemical found in gasoline, plastics, and synthetic fibers. Formaldehyde is commonly found in cleaning products, cosmetics, and pressed wood products. Xylene is found in paints, varnishes, and adhesives. Exposure to these toxins can cause a variety of health problems, including headaches, dizziness, and respiratory issues.

Houseplants purify the air by absorbing these toxins through tiny openings in their leaves and roots. They then convert these toxins into harmless byproducts, which are released back into the air. This process is known as phytoremediation and has been shown to be effective in removing harmful pollutants from the air.

Now I’ll be honest, the extent of our indoor pollution is difficult to overcome with just plants, which is why it is recommended to have at least two ‘good sized’ plants per 100 sq ft of indoor space (which is actually kind of a lot). There are thousands of toxic chemicals in our home. The culprit of these chemicals are everywhere. They’re in our cleaning products, candles, flooring, fabrics, walls, etc. That’s why being out in nature is unmatched and being intentional about reducing toxins in your home is so important! But don’t get discouraged, having houseplants is definitely better than nothing. Plants only improve indoor air quality, even if it’s slight. And the other benefits they bring are incredible. Also, let this encourage you to decrease the toxic chemicals in your home by using natural products whenever you can. Although we can’t change the chemicals contained within the building of our home, we can choose what products we bring into our home, such as our makeup, cleaning products, candles, etc.

Keep in mind, there are certain plants that are better at purifying air than others. The best known air purifiers are:

Peace Lily

Spider Plant

English Ivy

Bamboo Palm, Parlor Palm, and Lady Palm

Golden Pothos

Boston Fern

Weeping Fig

Rubber Plants

Ficus Tree

Snake Plant

Aloe Vera

Queen Fern

It’s also important to note that while houseplants can help to improve air quality, they shouldn’t be relied upon as the sole solution to indoor air pollution. Other measures, such as proper ventilation, using natural cleaning products, air fresheners, kitchen supplies, and personal care products should also be taken to ensure a healthy living space.

Plants give us a sense of well-being

Beyond their air-purifying benefits, plants can also provide a sense of well-being and improve our overall mental health. Here are some ways in which plants can contribute to our well-being:

  1. Stress Reduction: Research has shown that simply being around plants can help reduce stress levels. A study done in 2019 by the Journal of Physiological Anthropology found that indoor plants can lower blood pressure, decrease levels of the stress hormone cortisol, and increase feelings of calmness and relaxation.
  2. Improved Mood: Plants can also have a positive impact on our mood. They can help reduce feelings of anxiety and depression, increase feelings of happiness and well-being, and even boost productivity and creativity. It’s very unnatural for us to be stuck indoors all the time like modern day society is right now. There’s a reason you always feel refreshed after you’ve gone for a hike, walk in nature, or been at the beach! Being around plants, breathing the fresh air that the plants give, and getting sunlight is a quick and easy way to positively shift our mood.
  3. Sense of Purpose: Caring for plants can provide a sense of purpose and responsibility. Tending to their needs, watching them grow, and seeing the results of your efforts can be rewarding and satisfying. I always feel so happy when I see my plants grow taller or grow new leaves! It’s seriously the best feeling.
  4. Improved Air Quality: As mentioned earlier, plants can help purify the air in our homes. Improved air quality can lead to better respiratory health and can help us feel more energized and alert.

Does this inspire you to buy a plant for your house? Let me know in the comment section!

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